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Ace AIR: BLACK LIKE OBSIDIAN – By Keioui Keijaun Thomas

  • 12:00 am - 11:59 pm | Tuesday June 18, 2024
  • Gallery | Ace Hotel New York

BLACK LIKE OBSIDIAN – By Keioui Keijaun Thomas
For Ace Artist in Residence  – with Performance Space New York

The exhibition Black like Obsidian builds on over a decade of the artist’s work exploring the affective and material conditions of Black and trans identity and expands on her ongoing practice of world-building to create spaces of safety, joy, and healing. 

For this new installation, Thomas builds an immersive landscape by accumulating utilitarian objects like latex-free gloves, packing tape, recycled cardboard, construction signage, and plant matter – materials associated with gendered caretaking labor and climate catastrophe. She repurposes these common materials to create curtains , paper-bag soldiers, games, and other built and natural formations. For the artist, this is the setting of a speculative future where trans femmes have survived a mass extinction, highlighting how camouflage and metamorphosis serve as strategies for survival, and ultimately, transcendence.



Keioui Keijaun Thomas’ artistic practice engages with the multifaceted realms of Black identity formation, encompassing affective, material and economic dimensions. Through a captivating fusion of sculpture and performance, Thomas explores the transient nature of the “doll” as both a work in progress and a formidable elemental force. Utilizing an array of materials such as plastic, hair, sugar, rubber, tape, acrylic, water, enamel, glitter and skin, Thomas creates tableaus that are intricately intertwined with her own body. @keioui

Over the last 40 years, Manhattan-based Performance Space New York has been propelling cultural, theoretical and political discourse forward. Futurity and world-building connect the interdisciplinary works they present — works that dissolve the borders of performance art, dance, theater, music, visual art, poetry and prose, ritual, nightlife, food, film and technology, shattering artistic and social norms alike.

Ace Hotel’s Artist in Residence program is the embodiment of our deep conviction that artists deliver us a critical lens through which to understand the world and ourselves. On a quarterly basis, and curated in partnership with creative collectives and art institutions that inspire us, we invite artists across the globe to turn one of our hotel rooms into their studio for a month. Given time and space to create, the artist’s resultant body of work is then exhibited or showcased at Ace and shared with the public. @acehotelbrooklyn 

Other events happening on Jun 18, 2024

Ace Hotel New York
6:00pm @ The Loft Suite

Slow Series -- Calling our ancestors: Healing through the diaspora at The Loft Suite

Hosted by Ragga NYC founder Christopher Udemezue and multidisciplinary artist Jasmine Stein, this workshop explores generational family tradition, trauma and healing, through storytelling and breath-work. What are the familial stories that shape our identity? What has been passed down to us, and how do we hold onto these stories within our bodies? How do we both celebrate and release them?    The evening will open with a reading of poetry and prose followed by a mix of newly composed and…

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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel New York

Ace Hotel New York
12:00am @ Gallery

Ace AIR: BLACK LIKE OBSIDIAN – By Keioui Keijaun Thomas at Gallery

BLACK LIKE OBSIDIAN – By Keioui Keijaun Thomas For Ace Artist in Residence  – with Performance Space New York – The exhibition Black like Obsidian builds on over a decade of the artist’s work exploring the affective and material conditions of Black and trans identity and expands on her ongoing practice of world-building to create spaces of safety, joy, and healing.  For this new installation, Thomas builds an immersive landscape by accumulating utilitarian objects like latex-free gloves, packing tape, recycled…

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Ace Hotel New York
12:00am @ Gallery

Ace AIR: BLACK LIKE OBSIDIAN – By Keioui Keijaun Thomas at Gallery

BLACK LIKE OBSIDIAN – By Keioui Keijaun Thomas For Ace Artist in Residence  – with Performance Space New York – The exhibition Black like Obsidian builds on over a decade of the artist’s work exploring the affective and material conditions of Black and trans identity and expands on her ongoing practice of world-building to create spaces of safety, joy, and healing.  For this new installation, Thomas builds an immersive landscape by accumulating utilitarian objects like latex-free gloves, packing tape, recycled…

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