Poolside: DJ Tone
Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze. Selector of the week: […]
Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze. Selector of the week: […]
We stay up late. Every week on Friday and Saturday nights, some of our favourite Sydney DJs bring the sounds […]
RECORD SHOP rare groove 大阪心斎橋に店舗を構えるレコード・ショップ”rare groove”のオーナー。 ディスコ、サイケデリック・ロック、ニューエイジ・ミュージック、ハウス・ミュージックなど、ディープ&ワイドなセレクションのストアには、国内外から多くのDJや音楽愛好家が訪れる事でも知られる。 Owner of “rare groove,” a record shop based in Shinsaibashi, Osaka. Known for […]
Join us every Friday night for Remix in the lobby, where hip-hop and fresh new music collide to create an […]
Elevate your Friday nights at Evangeline. Experience the vibrant sounds of Amplify DJ Collective as they bring the heat with […]
Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze. Selector of the week: […]
Since 2001, he has been performing as a club DJ. Known for his unique style and deep experience, he communicates his authentic taste through DJing with a focus on Black music. His broad selection and skillful sets have earned him a loyal fanbase. Recently, he has been active as a DJ at venues like hotels and lounges, as well as events such as sports tournaments, weddings, and banquets.@djshiotsu
A born party-rocker with no genre limits, DJ Killa Kels plays all night while you soak in the starry skyline.
Have your Sunday Gold brunch with a live backing band to give your weekend extra inspiration, with soul and R&B […]
Unwind poolside with a refreshment, a dip, and carefully curated sounds to enhance your desert daze. Selector of the week: […]
Monday Night BINGO is back at King’s Highway. We have the beautiful and lovely Bella da Ball hosting, calling numbers, […]
SHANGHAI’S MMQ CHOPS AND SCREWS THE HIP-HOP GREATS. 上海より、DJ、MMQ がヒップホップを自由自在にリミックス。 DJ MMQ DJ MMQは、上海の音楽シーンを牽引するDJの一人。オールドスクールミュージックとレコード文化への深い愛を原動力に、Come Correct Crewの中心メンバーとして活躍している。 DADA Shanghai、Electric Circus、Diesel Studioなどの人気クラブで、多彩なジャンルを織り交ぜたセットを披露し、特にヒップホップに強いこだわりを持つ。DIESELやBaihuiとのコラボレーションを通じて、音楽とファッションを融合させ、その影響力を広げている。情熱的なプレイと豊富な音楽知識で、上海のアーバンミュージックシーンに欠かせない存在となっている。 […]
19時からDJ E.P. Daisukeが流すラテン音楽を聴きながら、¥600の5種類のタコスをお楽しみください。Indulge in five different tacos for just ¥600 all while listening to the Latin music played by DJ E.P. Daisuke from 7 pm.
A mellow flow in the mighty mountain’s shadow, led by Power Yoga Palm Springs. All ages and abilities welcome. BYO […]
Welcome Dólar Rosa to Thursday nights in The Lobby. Sound selections and performance by Sydney’s nearest and queerest, curated by […]
Body Dada is pleased to team up with Ace Hotel Brooklyn on Tuesday May 13th 7:30pm for a sunset class […]